
Issue Date: 
March 28, 2011


IonSound Project: Pitt Graduate Composers Concert, 8 p.m. March 28, Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Pitt Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.

Pitt Jazz Ensemble Spring Concert, featuring Pitt student ensemble of 27 musicians and jazz guitarist Larry Coryell, 8 p.m. March 29, Assembly Room, William Pitt Union, Pitt Jazz Studies Program, 412-624-4187.

Jeff Miller, guitar songwriter and performer, noon April 1, The Cup & Chaucer Café, ground floor, Hillman Library, Emerging Legends Concert Series Spring 2011, Pitt University Library System, Calliope: The Pittsburgh Folk Music Society, www.calliopehouse.org.

African Music and Dance Ensemble, 8 p.m. April 1, Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Pitt Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.

Schumann & Richard Strauss, with conductor Rafael Frühbeck de Burgos and, in Liszt’s Concerto No. 2, pianist Jorge Federico Osorio, 8 p.m. April 1 and 2:30 p.m. April 3, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Symphony Orchestra, BNY Mellon Grand Classics, 412-392-4900, www.pittsburghsymphony.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.

Pitt Men’s Glee Club, 8 p.m. April 2, First Baptist Church of Pittsburgh, 159 N. Bellefield Ave., Oakland, Pitt Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.

IonSound Project, performing Nathan Currier’s A Kafka Cantata, 8 p.m. April 2, Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Pitt Department of Music, 412-624-4125, www.music.pitt.edu.


University Art Gallery, Studio Arts Student Exhibition, March 30-April 30, Frick Fine Arts Building, Pitt Department of Studio Arts, 412-648-2430.

Frick Art Museum, Frick Art & Historical Center, Storied Past: Four Centuries of French Drawings From the Blanton Museum of Art, featuring more than 60 drawings produced over a 400-year period, through April 17, 7227 Reynolds St., Point Breeze, 412-371-0600, www.frickart.org.

Westmoreland Museum of American Art, American Landscapes: Treasures From the Parrish Art Museum and At the River’s Edge: Paintings by Patrick Ruane, through April 24, 221 N. Main St., Greensburg, 724-837-1500, www.wmuseumaa.org.

Silver Eye Center for Photography, Future Forward, first annual members’ exhibition, through May 7, 1015 E. Carson St., South Side, 412-431-1810, www.silvereye.org.

Carnegie Museum of Art, Paul Thek: Diver, A Retrospective, through May 1; You Are Here: Architecture and Experience, exhibition, through May 29; Andrey Avinoff: In Pursuit of Beauty, through June 5; Ragnar Kjartansson: Song, through Sept. 25, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.

August Wilson Center for African American Culture, In My Father’s House, mixed-media exhibition about how African Americans collect and preserve their culture, through June, 980 Liberty Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, 412-456-6666, www.pgharts.org.

Heinz History Center, America’s Best Weekly: A Century of The Pittsburgh Courier, through Oct. 2, 1212 Smallman St., Strip District, 412-454-6000, www.heinzhistorycenter.org.


The Bubble (Eytan Fox, 2006), free film showing, 7:45 p.m. March 30, 3415 Posvar Hall, Contemporary Queer Cinemas Public Film Series Spring 2011, Pitt Women’s Studies Program, 412-624-6485, www.wstudies.pitt.edu.

Tapestries of Hope, documentary by filmmaker Michealene Cristini Risley exposing sexual myth widespread in Zimbabwe that results in startling number of rapes each year, 12:15 p.m. March 31, Frick Fine Arts Building, Pitt’s Johnson Institute for Responsible Leadership and the Ford Institute for Human Security within the Graduate School of Public and International Affairs, RSVP requested to gspiapf@pitt.edu or 412-648-1336.


“Robust Decision Making and the Dilemma Objection to the Precautionary Principle,” Daniel Steel, professor, Michigan State University’s Department of Philosophy, 4:40 p.m. March 30, 1500 Posvar Hall, Alumni Lecture, Pitt Department of History and Philosophy of Science, Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.

“Teaching and Learning English in China and Indonesia,” Sara Bularzik, graduate student, Pitt School of Education, noon March 31, 4130 Posvar Hall, Asia Over Lunch Series, Pitt Asian Studies Center, University Center for International Studies, 412-648-7370, asia@pitt.edu.

“Achieving Equal Pay, What Will It Take?,” Heidi Hartmann, president, Institute for Women’s Policy Research, 3:30 p.m. March 31; followed at 4:30 p.m. by Iris Marion Young Award for Political Engagement ceremony, Ballroom A, The University Club, Pitt Women’s Studies Program, Center for Metropolitan Studies, GSPIA, University Center for Social & Urban Research, Cultural Studies Program, Department of Sociology, 412-624-6485, wstudies@pitt.edu.


TIES Informational Luncheon for Researchers and Research Assistants, talk on Text Information Extraction System (TIES), Rebecca Crowley, director, Biomedical Informatics Graduate Training Program, Pitt School of Medicine, 11 a.m.-noon, March 30, UPMC Cancer Pavilion, Suite 301, Conference Room 341, open to Pitt and UPMC faculty, staff, and students, registration required,  http://ties.upmc.com/register/index.html, 412-623-4753.

What’s New in Blackboard 9.1, workshop on the Blackboard Learning Management System, 2 p.m. March 31, B23 Alumni Hall, Pitt CIDDE, register online www.cidde.pitt.edu.

11th Annual Pitt Integration Bee, open to all Pitt undergraduates, 7 p.m. April 1, 343 Alumni Hall, Pitt Department of Mathematics, contact jonrubin@pitt.edu to enter competition, 412-624-6157.


Turandot by Giacomo Puccini, March 29, also April 1 and 3, Benedum Center, 803 Liberty Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Opera, 412-456-6666, www.pittsburghopera.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.

As You Like It by William Shakespeare, directed by Sam Turich, April 1-10, Charity Randall Theatre in Stephen Foster Memorial, Pitt Repertory Theatre, Department of Theatre Arts, 412-624-6568, www.play.pitt.edu.

The Amish Project, written by and starring Jessica Dickey, based on the 2006 shooting at an Amish schoolhouse in Lancaster, Pa., April 2-May 8, City Theatre, 1300 Bingham St., South Side, 412-431-2489, www.citytheatrecompany.org.

Bad Hamlet, written by Lillian DeRitter and Anthea Carns, 2 p.m. April 3, Bellefield Hall Auditorium, Pitt Medieval and Renaissance Studies Program, www.medren.pitt.edu.

Circle Mirror Transformation by Annie Baker, on a beginner’s drama workshop bringing out unexpected truths, through April 3, Pittsburgh Public Theater, 621 Penn Ave., Downtown, 412-316-1600, www.ppt.org, PITT ARTS Cheap Seats, 412-624-4498, www.pittarts.pitt.edu.

Precious Little by Madeleine George, play about the beauty and limits of interpersonal communication, through April 3, City Theatre, 1300 Bingham St., South Side, 412-431-2489, www.citytheatrecompany.org.


Maha Mohammad, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences’ Department of Rehabilitation Science and Technology, 9 a.m. March 28,  “The Gaze Stabilization Test: Reliability, Performance Characteristics of Normal Subjects, Performance of Patients with Concussions,” 6050 Forbes Tower.

Jason Fitzgerald, School of Education’s Department of Instruction and Learning, noon March 28, “Comprehending Historical Narrative: Exploring the Relationship Between Casual Language and Students’ Mental Representations of History,” 5140 Posvar Hall.

Meghan Wilson, School of Medicine’s Center for Neuroscience/Neurobiology Graduate Program, noon March 28, “Protein Biomarkers for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Characterization and Implications for Disease Pathogenesis,” 1495 Starzl Biomedical Science Tower.

Nemesio Valle, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Music, 1 p.m. March 28, “A Coalescence of Liturgical Consensus in the Mass for the Dead From Its Origins Through the Fourteenth Century,” 114 Music Building.

Yan Du, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology, 12:30 p.m. March 29, “Polymorphisms in Inflammation-Related Genes and Risk of Smoking-Associated Lung Cancer and COPD”, 109 Parran Hall.

Pornsri Khlangwiset, School of Public Health’s Department of Environmental and Occupational Health, 1 p.m. March 30, “Reducing the Risks of Aflatoxin Through Public Health Interventions,” 5th-floor conference room, Bridgeside Point Building.

Benjamin Breuer, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Music, 3:30 p.m.  March 30, “ The Birth of Musicology From the Spirit of Evolution: Ernst Haeckel’s Entwicklungslehre as Central Component of Guido Adler’s Methodology for Musicology,” 302 Music Building.

Virginia Hall, School of Education’s Department of Instruction and Learning, 2 p.m. March 31, “The Representation of Culture in Award-Winning Picture Books From the United States, Australia, and Great Britain (1960-2010),” 5140 Posvar Hall.

Allison Kuipers, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Epidemiology, 1 p.m. March 31, “Genetic Epidemiology of Subclinical Cardiovascular Disease and Osteoporosis Indices in African Ancestry Families,” 109 Parran Hall.

Maggie Rehm, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of English, 9 a.m. April 1, “The Art of Citizenship: Suffrage Literature as Social Pedagogy,” 527 Cathedral of Learning.

Brandi Neal, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Music, 1 p.m. April 1, “The Sacred Multivoice Music of Nicolas Gombert: A Critical Examination,” Room 302, Music Building.

Jessica A. Thomas, School of Arts and Sciences’ Department of Chemistry, 1 p.m. April 1, “Structure and Dynamics of Biomolecules in the Gas Phase Using Vibrationally and Rotationally Resolved Electronic Spectroscopy,” 228 Eberly Hall.

Sung Hee Kim, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Biostatistics, 2:30 p.m. April 1, “A Correlated Random Effects Hurdle Model For Excess Zeroswith Clustered Data Based OB BLUP (REMQL) Estimation,” 109 Parran Hall.

Robert Postupac, School of Education’s Department of Administrative and Policy Studies, 3 p.m. April 1, “Project 720: A Case Study of High School Reform,” 4321 Posvar Hall.