Pitt Publishes New E-journal on Bolivian Studies

Issue Date: 
January 10, 2011

Editors are currently soliciting new research on the history and culture of Bolivia for the Bolivian Studies Journal/Revista de Estudios Boliviano, an e-journal published by the University of Pittsburgh’s University Library System (ULS). The journal is an international, peer-reviewed journal, published by the ULS with the support of the University’s Center for Latin American Studies and Department of Hispanic Languages and Literatures and edited by Elizabeth Monasterios and Martha E. Mantilla.

The journal’s editorial board comprises well-known scholars, intellectuals, and writers working in Bolivia, the United States, and Europe. It publishes once a year and accepts material in Spanish, English, or indigenous languages.Editors are seeking innovative interdisciplinary research that critically discusses Bolivia’s challenges in the new millennium. The journal is especially interested in disseminating research produced in Bolivia to a worldwide audience. It welcomes articles, case studies, discussions and interviews in a wide range of areas, including Andean studies, Amazonian studies, history, law, philosophy, visual arts, and many others. Visit the journal’s Web site for information on submitting articles. For any other inquiries, e-mail bsj@mail.pitt.edu.