
Issue Date: 
January 11, 2010


International Guitar Night Presents Brian Gore, Lulo Reinhardt, Stephen Bennet, and Itamar Erez, musical performance, 4 p.m. Jan. 17, PNC Recital Hall, Duquesne University, 600 Forbes Ave., Uptown, Guitar Society of Fine Art, 412-612-0499, www.gsfapittsburgh.org.

Emerson String Quartet,
music by Ives, Janacek, Barber, and Shostakovich, 7:30 p.m. Jan. 18, Carnegie Music Hall, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, Pittsburgh Chamber Music Society, 412-624-4129,


Pittsburgh Filmmakers, The City Within, exhibition, Jan. 15 through Feb. 28, gallery, 477 Melwood Ave., Oakland, 412-682-4111, www.pghfilmmakers.org.

Life in the Gardens: Fräbel Glass at Phipps, flower and plant exhibition featuring glass creations by Hans Godo Fräbel, through Jan. 20, Phipps Conservatory, 1 Schenley Park Dr., Oakland, 412-622-6914, www.phipps.conservatory.org.

Andy Warhol Museum, Shepard Fairey: Supply & Demand; Supertrash; and Unnatural Rubber, art exhibitions, through Jan. 31, 117 Sandusky St., North Side, 412-237-8300, www.warhol.org.

Carnegie Museum of Art,
Imagining Home: Selections from the Heinz Architectural Center, through Feb. 27; Gods, Love, and War: Tapestries and Prints From the Collection, through June 13, Carnegie Museum of Art, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.cmoa.org.

Mattress Factory,
Likeness, art exhibition, through March 21, 500 Sampsonia Way, North Side, 412-231-3169, www.mattress.org.

Carnegie Museum of Natural History, Whales|Tohorā, exhibition, through
May 2; Lord of the Crane Flies, exhibition, ongoing, 4400 Forbes Ave., Oakland, 412-622-3131, www.carnegiemnh.org.


The Mirror (1975, Andrei Tarkovsky), film screening, Jan. 18-21, Harris Theater, 809 Liberty Ave., Downtown, Pittsburgh Filmmakers, 412-682-4111, www.pghfilmmakers.org.


“Icons of Korean Cultures,” Young Rae Oum, Pitt Korea-Japan postdoctoral fellow, 8 p.m. Jan. 12, first-floor lounge, Sutherland Hall, Pitt University Center for International Studies, Asian Studies Center, Global Studies Program, 412-648-5085, global@pitt.edu.

International Education Brown Bag,
panel discussion featuring experts on education in Taiwan, Mexico, and Uganda, noon to 2 p.m. Jan. 13, 4130 Posvar Hall, Pitt Global Studies Program, Institute for International Studies in Education, School of Education’s Department of Administration and Policy Studies, 412-648-5085, global@pitt.edu.

“About Toilets and Other Symbols: The Installation ‘Entropa’ in Brussels and Its Reception in Bulgaria,
Klaus Roth, professor, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, noon Jan. 13, 
3106 Posvar Hall, Pitt European Union Center of Excellence, Center for Russian and East European Studies, 412-648-5085, global@pitt.edu.

Robert Reich, economic advisor and former U.S. Secretary of Labor, 8 p.m. Jan. 13, Heinz Hall, 600 Penn Ave., Downtown, Robert Morris University’s 2009-10 Pittsburgh Speakers Series, 412-392-4900, www.pittsburghspeakersseries.org.

“Sellarsian Metaphilosophy and Its Intricacies,” Tadeusz Szubka, visiting fellow in Pitt’s Center for Philosophy of Science, and a professor and head of the Institute of Philosophy at Szczecin University, Poland, 12:05 p.m.  Jan.19, 817R Cathedral of Learning, Lunchtime Talk Series, Pitt Center for Philosophy of Science, 412-624-1052, pittcntr@pitt.edu.

Pitt PhD Dissertation Defenses

Qi Yang, Graduate School of Public Health’s Department of Human Genetics, “Essential Role of Transcription Factor E47 in Multipotent Hematopoietic Stem Cells and Progenitors,”
2 p.m. Jan. 11, A312 Crabtree Hall.